Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thy way...Thy truth...Thy name, O Lord!

Psalm 86:11 Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.

In this verse offered up by David in Psalm 86 we have three deep desires revealed by David that should occupy the heart and mind of every Christian. 1) We should desire that God would reveal his will to us and instruct us; 2) we should be committed to walking according to God's will revealed to us in his truth; and 3) we should desire that our hearts be not divided in its affections, but united in its purpose of revering and honoring God.

Teach me thy way, O Lord...

Oh how important it is to be taught the things of God by God for God's glory. I mention God consecutively like this to stress who is doing the teaching here and for what purpose. If you are not a student of God you will become a student of the world and will be led deeper and deeper into darkness and deceit. The ways of the world around us are foolishness, but the ways of God are all that is true.

I will walk in thy truth...

Once taught by God we are to walk daily in God's truth, as revealed to us in the Bible. There is a quote below that I like from the puritan Thomas Watson that describes this walk beautifully:

Conform to Scripture. Let us lead Scripture lives. Oh that the Bible might be seen to be printed in our lives! Do what the Word commands. Obedience is an excellent way of commenting upon the Bible. Let the Word be the sun-dial by which you set your life. What are we the better for having the Scriptures, if we do not direct all our speeches and actions according to it....and regulate our lives by it?

 Unite my heart to fear thy name...

Our hearts should be united with a single desire to have our will subjected to the will of God and we need to  properly reverence and honor God. In Proverbs 1:7 we read "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction." If  you are to be taught the things of God and walk according to his will you must revere and honor God with an undivided heart. On this verse, C.H. Spurgeon comments "to fear God is both the beginning, the growth, and the maturity of wisdom, therefore should we be undividedly given up to it, heart and soul."

Psalm 86:11 is a beautiful verse for us and we see that where holiness is taught (Teach me thy way, O Lord), where truth is practiced (I will walk in thy truth), and where God is adored (Unite my heart to fear thy name) we find the life lived for God and his glory...and thus the life perfected.

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